Well, that was an intense 2 weeks. Was it all worth it, or a waste of time?
Further reading and listening below:
- COP26 Achieved more than expected, but less than hoped – Financial Times
- COP26 Glasgow: Ready to go further: Outrage and Optimism
- The Good, the bad and the ugly. What did COP26 achieve? New Statesman
- After the failure of Cop26, there’s only one last hope for our survival – George Monbiot
- COP26: Key outcomes agreed at the UN climate talks in Glasgow
And for my comments around the climate impact of COP26:
Scotland emitted 41,600,000 Tonnes of CO2e in 2018.
Of this, 14,800,000 Tonnes were from Transport.
10,000,000 of this, was from road transport. Divided by 365, this figure is around 27,500 Tonnes of CO2e per day.