Carbon Offsetting shouldn’t be seen as a way to offset your existing behaviours without making any other changes. Offsets can buy time, but should not be done at the expense of other actions.
You should pursue all other methods to reduce your carbon footprint as much as possible first, and only then offset the remaining “balance” while you work on other reduction techniques which may take you much longer to achieve due to technological or financial challenges.
From a climate perspective, it’s far easier not to take a flight, than to offset all the damage done by the flight.
However, if you have to fly, then offsetting that flight is the best option until zero-emission flights become a reality.
It really is as simple as that!
If you need to offset, then absolutely set up systems where employees or customers can contribute towards offsetting emissions. Just make sure you’re taking practical actions in other areas too, rather than relying on offsets to pick up the work.
Where possible, offset through a domestic program too that ensures full accountability of the offset projects being carried out.